Neil Bendis grew up reading comic books, and like most little boys he decided that, when he grew up, he wanted to be a superhero. Fastforward about fifteen years...Neil has grown up, and he has taken on the responsibilities of being an adult. But he still has that ultimate goal of being a supehero. However, he doesn't have the super power, the physical prowess, or the gadgets to make him a superhero. This can be pretty frustrating, especially since he starts meeting people who really do have powers, prowess, and gadgets. And when Neil gets his first nemesis, things take a dark turn.
SuperNeil is drawn and edited in Adobe Photoshop CS with a Wacom CTE-430 tablet.
Victoria Easley, like the title character in her comic, had a childhood dream, but she wanted to be a cartoonist. She's been drawing since she was old enough to hold a pencil, and her previous work has been with public school newspapers (middle school through high school) and her first webcomic, College Bound, a collaboration with Jon Voisey. Victoria is working on her BA in Photography at Missouri State University, and she works with the school's Photographic Services department.
You can contact Victoria at victoria.photog@gmail.com. The comic's Livejournal, which has updates on the comic and website's progress, can be found at www.superneilcomic.livejournal.com.
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